Thoughts about American Freedom
——By Zhang Yichen
作者/来源: 邓兆红    发表: 2016-08-29 15:27:58    浏览: 10257 次

From every mountainside, let freedom ring!---Martin Luther KingDuring the period of Americans fighting for their independence, Patrick Henry shouted out a slogan---"Not free, or give me death." And since then, freedom has become the soul of the United Nations. The place which impressed me most during the trip was Philadelphia, the most historically significant city of the US. We admired Liberty Bell,Liberty Statue and Liberty Palace, and watched a video about the American freedom, which gave rise to some of my thoughts.

As is known to all, the history of American history was filled with success and failure. The road to freedom was not smooth, but ups and downs,forwards and backwards. For instance, the principle of equality had been established in the revolutionary period, but in the constitutional period it was once suppressed. The slavery had been abolished in the reconstruction amendments, but again replaced by the principle of "freedom of contract". Until after the civil rights movement, the true meaning of "equality" came more firmly back into the idea of freedom in the United States. Therefore, the definition of Liberty is not constant, on the contrary, it is always challenged and questioned.

From a broader perspective, freedom is an increasingly heavy choice. Pet?fi Sándor once said: "Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom. "This motto expresses the burden of chasing freedom. For the time being, seemingly what Americans feel deeper is the ponderosas to "have" the freedom. Falling victim to gun abuse, racial discrimination……American-style freedom has posed many grave threats to the country, such as terrorism, national security, moral dilemma and so on. These threats, in turn, have greatly undermined the freedom itself. But when weighing the alternatives, Americans choose freedom firmly, which is the soul of their nation and they will never relent or waver. Kant said: "Dare to use your mind. " We can't say Americans are more intelligent to dominate the freedom, but it's the spirit that matters---the courage to chase, and to have the freedom, including the query and critique to authority and the constant cogitation to the value of freedom. So they dare to, and are able to endure such a goal.

Just as the last sentence in the video said: "The long road ahead is still waiting us to travel, and the important task is still waiting us to bear. " While prospects are bright, the roads have twists and turns, but just have the consciousness and courage to pursue the real value, to create a brilliant future.